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/ Lionel Operating Train S…niversary Cincinnati 2004 / Lionel Operating Train Society - Silver Anniversary Cincinnati 2004.iso / Cincinnati_Convention / img_1305.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2004-09-18  |  744KB  |  3072x2048
Labels: brass | fence | grass | road | sidewalk | tree
OCR: AND THE WHITEWATER CANAL In 1836 construction began on this fifty six lock, one hundred one mile canal Opened from Lawrenceburg to Brookville (1839), 11 was extended to Laurel and Cincinnati 1843, Con- nersville (1845), Cambridge 1846 and Hagerstown 1847 FRECTE BY IMIAN SQUICENTENNIAL COMMIS RAND Haqerstown